Finding Strength in times of Opposition

Joana G - Choosing Safety
2 min readJan 15, 2021


You may be in a scenario feeling confronted by opposing forces. You may experience external opposition from people or situations outside of your control. You may be fighting internal conflicting emotions within yourself. Whatever, conflicting or opposing forces you may be facing, there is hope. I would like to introduce you to a character called Nehemiah. Nehemiah was a real historical figure in Persia and who was a cup-bearer to King Xerex around 465 BC.

Nehemiah faced opposition as you may be facing now. He applied effectiv coping strategies which we could learn from. To give you an example, from the Book of Nehemiah in the Bible, Nehemiah committed to build the wall of Jerusalem. He was faced with opposition from Sanballat, and Tobiah who were greatly incensed against the building of the wall and threatened Nehemiah’s life. We could compare Nehemiah’s situation to successful men who are building businesses or architects designing buildings, or construction workers working on building sites, but facing threats from the locals, which can increase fear, stress and anxiety. Nehemiah faced the threat of enemies, wanting to tear down the holy temple. Nehemiah chose to keep himself safe by applying key coping principles. He used prayer and meditation as a coping strategy. He reached out for additional support — family, friends, armed reinforcement, and locals to protect him and his team according to Nehemiah Chapter 4 vs 9. “But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat”. Nehemiah 4 vs 9.

Nehemiah and his fellow workmen drew on their faith as their support system and they recognised God as the one who is great and awesome, and fights for families and homes ”

Nehemiah’s coping strategy toolkit comprised of three key tools to overcome opposition. Number one, his faith. Number Two — his support network aka security officers, friends and colleagues. Number three, prayer which provided him with the much needed internal and external support to complete the building of the wall.

If you are facing situation and looking for strength, remember that God can fight your battles. Call out to him in prayer. Draw on network of your friends, family and colleagues for support. Finally, remember that God is strengthening you and fighting your corner. Reach out for help

“The Lord says this to you: ‘Be not afraid or dismayed at this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s“ 2 Chronicles 20:15



Joana G - Choosing Safety
Joana G - Choosing Safety

Written by Joana G - Choosing Safety

Founder of Choosing Safety, Psychotherapist, Blogger, Author and Suicide Prevention Advocate. Bringing hope to the everyday man —

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