Keeping the Empty Glass Full
One of the key things my mentor taught me was the importance of taking time out for self-care. What comes to my mind is a glass that is full of water. By the time we pour strength, wisdom, intellect care and love to our spouses, our children, our families, our friends and our colleagues, our glass is practically empty. We reach a point that we no longer have anything to give, we’re exhausted, overwhelmed and literally on the brink of burnout because we no longer have any strength in us. Friend, we cannot drive a car without fuel. A plant cannot grow and thrive without water.
My question to you is how are you fuelling yourself (if such a term exists). How are you resourcing yourself? How are you filling yourself up? How are you strengthening yourself to get back into the boxing ring of life? When I asked these questions, I receive an element of resistance where people inform me that they do not have the time and that they don’t have anyone to look after loved ones when they take a break. Resourcing yourself does not have complicated. Keep things simple. One of the ways, I recharge is by taking a sabbath rest, where I spend time in prayer and reading or listening to the word of God. When the start of the week comes, I am fully charged up to 100% and motivated and strengthened to pursue my goals and dreams.
How are you going to resource yourself? What steps are you going to take to recharge your internal batteries to 100%?