Men Standing Firm Against Depression
You have every right to believe that you can stand firm against the depression. Stand firm against allowing depression to rule and ruin your life. Stand firm against depression driving you to negative state and places you don’t want to go. Stand firm against depression pushing you around and pushing you back. Take your place today as the Prince Warrior that God has called you to be and declare “no more” and “enough is enough” to depression. God says in His word that you are more than a conqueror which means that you can conquer and overrule these feelings of depression which are trying to imprison you. Today is the day, you are going to confront the chains of depression and to step forward into God’s marvelous light. As you are reading this, you are probably asking what you need to do to stand firm now against depression and probably for me to get straight to the point!. I am so glad you asked my friend. Come on, let’s go
My first point is that you are not standing firm alone. There is one who is standing by you and is more than capable of helping you to fight your battles. Psalm 54 vs 4 says that “surely God is my help, the Lord is the one who sustains me’. This verse has some powerful anecdotes indicating that God is your helper and He keeps you alive . The verse also says that God is the sustainer of your life and your defender, that He guards your life and upholds your soul. Isn’t this amazing, that you have the Almighty God of the Universe guarding, strengthening and protecting your life? Who can stand against that?!!! You can go ahead and declare that your battle is won!!. Reach out to God for His first port of call for help and invite His son Jesus into your life. Why do I say invite His son Jesus into your life? If you were feeling ill, you would call your doctor, wouldn’t you? If you were facing a legal battle? You would ring up your lawyer? If you had a financial dispute, I am sure you accountant would get involved. If you are fighting the battle of soul, why not call upon the one who knew you before you were born. John 14:26 describes Jesus as the Helper and elaborates on this by saying that not only is Jesus your Helper but he is also your comforter, advocate, intercessor, counselor, strengthener and standby. Jesus can comfort you in your distress, He is praying for you, He gives wise counsel to you and at the same time He strengthens you. Why not call upon him too?