Overcoming fears about your financial and economic future
I was reading a research-based article the other day, which revealed that Finances and unemployment were affecting men, on a number of levels, during this pandemic. The article highlighted the fears and uncertainty men felt about the future, around losing their standard of living, or losing their business if they were self-employed. It is my aim over the next couple of blogs to address these issues. I may not come up with the solution you are looking for, as it relates to loss of finances. I can, however, provide hope and key principles of how to overcome worries around your financial and economic situation based on the word of God.
My message for you today is “do not worry”. Although this strategy may seem over-simplistic, the phrase does contain some powerful and profound truths. My aim is to offer interventions, which are not complicated and cumbersome, but interventions that are short, memorable, easy and immediately applicable to your life, whether you are at home or at work in any setting. I wanted to draw you to Matthew 6 vs 25–34, a passage from the words of scripture that speaks of “not worrying” as the cure for anxiety.
It really is that simple!! To overcome anxiety, or to stop anxiety in its track, Matthew 6 vs 25 advises to “stop being perpetually uneasy (anxious and worried) about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink or about your body or what you shall put on”.
What are you worried about right now? What is the first thing that comes into your mind? Are you worried you don’t have enough funds for food? Are you worried about your health? Are you worried that you will lose your job? Are you worried that you don’t have enough clothes to wear? Hold that thought. Now stop that “worry thought” dead in its track. Don’t give it airtime. “Don’t worry”.
Matthew 6 vs 25 explains why we shouldn’t worry about our present circumstances. The first principle (indicated in the passage) is that your life is greater than food. Your body is far above and more excellent than clothing (v.25). The second principle teaches us about the life of birds. It clearly reminds us that birds don’t sow or reap, or gather goods into the barns, but yet at the same time, these birds are well provided for. They are sufficiently fed by God, our heavenly father. Are you not more precious or worthier than birds in the sight of God? If God can feed the birds without them knowing when their next provision is coming from, can God not provide for you?
For those who worry about not having any outfits or not being able to afford any clothes, the passage below encourages us to learn from Lilies. Yes, Lilies!! Lilies do not toil or spin, yet they are arrayed in splendour.
‘ And why should you be anxious about clothes? Consider the lilies of the field and learn thoroughly how they grow; they neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you, even King Solomon in all his magnificence was not arrayed like one of these” Matthew 6 vs 29
If God can clothe the blossoming lily, how much more can he clothe you or provide for you? God is a God of Love and He longs to be your “Yahweh Yireh”, (which is translated from the Hebrew as “God our Provider”). He longs to provide all your needs according to His riches and glory.
So don’t worry about tomorrow where your next meal or paycheck is coming from. God already knows your needs. He loves you. His desire is for you to seek Him first. If you are in desperate need today, go ahead and ask Him. I can testify that time and time again God has miraculously provided for me over and beyond, more than I can ever imagine.
Remember “do not worry or be anxious about what you are going to eat, drink or what you have to wear…..but seek ye first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things taken together will be given unto you” Matthew 6 vs 31 -33
I am giving away a free Action Guide to all Men on Actionable Strategies for Emotional Wellness — click here to obtain your free copy — https://choosingsafety.com/action-guide