Rising Above Rejection — Part Two
Rejection, according to the Cambridge Dictionary is the act of refusing to accept, use or believe someone or something. Rejection is a letter that tells you that you have not been successful in getting a job or place of study. Rejection has also been described as the act of not giving someone the love and attention, they want and accept.
How does Rejection manifest itself? Rejection can be both subtle and blatant at the same time. You could be deliberately excluded from a friendship inner circle or family. You are invisible to another person sitting in the same room as you. Your presence is not acknowledged in the room. You are blatantly ignored. You may walk away from such incidences feeling “unseen” and “judged”. Rejection can present itself as criticism, or a snide remark, or subtle insult by the other person towards you. In a romantic relationship, you feel deeply hurt and ‘unwanted’ when your Partner deliberately withholds his love and affection from you, which can result in you feeling low self-esteem and lack of self-worth. Rejection, plainly speaking in my opinion, is destructive and abusive. It is very easy to think that there is something wrong with us or it was our fault or something that we did that caused the other person to reject us. No my friend, there is nothing wrong with you. The issue could be with the other person who rejected you. What are you thoughts and opinions on why individuals reject each other? Could it be that they are subconsciously rejecting a part of themselves? Could people reject each other due to lack of self-confidence or insecurity? Are they rejecting a certain behavior or issue in another person which they recognize in themselves? Could rejection be all down to jealously, a character flaw or ego or feeling intimated about another person’s success? There are some instances where people are unconsciously unaware that they are rejecting the other person? Why do you think this is the case?
How do you rise above rejection if you have been either subtly or blatantly rejected? The key point to remember is that issue is with the other person who rejected you and not you. By referring to the ‘other person’, I mean the friend, the family member, the social acquaintance, or the work colleague. If they reject you what does it say about them? Could they be harboring insecurity or unresolved issues that they haven’t worked through? Do you agree that their rejection of you exposes their critical, rude and judgmental nature?
The truth is that you are “seen”. Man may reject you but God will never reject you. God accepts you. Your name is engraved and tattooed on His hand. Your walls are ever before Him. Don’t you feel special that your name is tattooed on God’s arm? God celebrates you and sings over you. You are His treasured possession and the apple of his eye. God loves you with an everlasting love. Though men, may reject you, God promises to never leave you nor forsake you. You are valued and accepted.